Archive for the 'Conferences' Category

Assembling bricks in the toy box

Monica Berti, “Assembling Bricks in the Toy Box: Quotations and Text Re-use Detection of Lost Works”: eTraces Talks, Universität Leipzig – Raum 0-18, Johannisgasse 26, June 26, 2012, 9:00 am

Gli storici greci frammentari e le età della trasmissione

Giornate di studio sulla storiografia greca frammentaria – III edizione: Gli storici greci frammentari e le età della trasmissione: Alessandria, Roma, Bisanzio, Genova, 29-30 maggio 2012 Programma Le Giornate di Studio sulla storiografia greca frammentaria, giunte già alla terza edizione (I: 2007; II: 2009), si inseriscono nell’ambito dell’attività di ricerca svolta dall’Unità di Genova in […]

Collecting Fragments in the 21st Century

Collecting fragments in the 21st century – LECTIO › Laboratory for Critical Text Editing May 14, 2012 In recent years the attitude of scholars towards Greek and Roman authors transmitted in fragmentary form has changed. The optimism of earlier generations that one may be able to reconstruct their works by collecting and combining their ‘remains’ […]

Le papyrus et l’hypertexte. Athénée dans la cuisine du savoir

Le papyrus et l’hypertexte. Athénée dans la cuisine du savoir. The Papyrus and the Hypertext. Athenaeus in the Scholarly Kitchen 05.05.2012, ANHIMA (INHA, salle Vasari, 9h-17h) Organisateurs | Organisers: Aurélien BERRA & Christian JACOB (contact) This one-day conference aims at fostering a dialogue about Athenaeus’ Deipnosophists between classicists – whether philologists or historians – and […]

Interedition Symposium – Scholarly Digital Editions, Tools and Infrastructure

Interedition Symposium – Scholarly Digital Editions, Tools and Infrastructure Huygens ING, The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-20 March 2012 Program online Huygens ING is pleased to host a symposium to mark the achievements of Interedition, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action IS0704. This event will also serve as a springboard for further work based […]

Commenting Fragments: the Case of Ancient Comedy – Invitation for Participation

From Stylianos Chronopoulos: We are very pleased to post the invitation to participate in the conference “Commenting Fragments: the Case of Ancient Comedy”, that will be held at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau – July 2-7, 2012. The project “Kommentierung der Fragmente der altgriechischen Komödie” (“A Commentary on the Fragments of Ancient Greek Comedy”) […]

Aliento – 3rd International Conference

We are going to present a paper on Alexander the Great and Aristotle in the Libro de Alexandre at the 3rd international conference of Aliento (Analyse Linguistique et Interculturelle des Énoncés sapientiels et de leur transmission de l’Orient à l’Occident et de l’Occident à l’Orient) 3rd International Call – Sapiential Statements and Exemplary Literature: a Complex […]

From Ancient Manuscripts to the Digital Era

Des manuscrits antiques à l’ère digitale. Lectures et littératies Université de Lausanne, August 23-25, 2011 Full Program Among the papers presented at this conference, we signal the following ones: Leonard Muellner et Mary Ebbott (Boston): Multitextual Reading and the Future of the Homer Multitext (August 24) Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Francesco Mambrini & J. Matthew Harrington (Tufts […]

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