The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) is going to participate in a DH2014 Panel on Rethinking Text Reuse as Digital Classicists. DH 2014 – July 10, 9:00 (Room 410 – Amphimax) 1. Participants Panel conveners: Aurélien Berra (Université Paris-Ouest & EHESS) Matteo Romanello (German Archaeological Institute & King’s College London) Alexandra Trachsel (University of […]
Archive for the 'Workshops' Category
February 10 2014
LOFTS at the Intertextuality Workshop – Fondation Hardt
Intertextualité et humanités numériques: approches, méthodes, tendances – Intertextuality and digital humanities: approaches, methods, trends February 14-15, 2014, Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres, Genève Program (PDF) Materials from the workshop are available through the Tesserae blog.
January 19 2014
2. Workshop – Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
2. Workshop – Digital Humanities and Social Sciences 30. – 31. Januar 2014 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Anmeldung Programm (PDF)
January 10 2014
Tbilisi State University Winter School in Digital Philology
We are very pleased to announce the Tbilisi State University Winter School in Digital Philology funded by The Ministry of Education and Sciences of Georgia. The Winter school will be held on January 14-18, 2014 at TSU and will be addressed to Georgian MA and PhD students from Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi.
December 20 2013
145th APA Annual Meeting
The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) will be presented at the Digital Classics Panel at the 2014 APA Annual Meeting – Chicago, January 3, 2014: Getting Started with Digital Classics, organized by the Digital Classics Association (Joint APA/AIA Panel) Neil Coffee, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Organizer Session #26, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm, Regency Ballroom B
March 20 2013
Word, Space, Time: Digital Perspectives on the Classical World – Conference Program
An interdisciplinary conference organized by the Digital Classics Association University at Buffalo, SUNY, North Campus, Center for the Arts Screening Room, Buffalo, NY 14261 April 5-6, 2013 Archaeological GIS, digital historical mapping, literary text mining, and other computational techniques are increasingly shaping how we understand classical antiquity. Digital methods are breaking down sub-disciplinary barriers, allowing […]
November 24 2012
Greg Crane – The Humanities in a Digital Age
Greg Crane – The Humanities in a Digital Age November 27, 2012 – Digital Humanities McGill – Leacock 232 – 4:00 – 5:30 pm 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, Quebec, H3A2T7, Canada We now live in a pervasively digital world and Humanists have an opportunity to rethink our goals. On the one hand, we can now develop research […]
November 12 2012
Ritorno ad Alessandria. Storiografia antica e cultura bibliotecaria: tracce di una relazione perduta
Ritorno ad Alessandria. Storiografia antica e cultura bibliotecaria: tracce di una relazione perduta Incontro Internazionale di Studi Università di Roma Tor Vergata 28-29 novembre 2012 Per info contattare Monica Berti o Virgilio Costa La storia della Biblioteca di Alessandria e la letteratura che su di essa è fiorita costituiscono un punto di partenza imprescindibile per tutti coloro che […]