In this page you find a list of workshops, conferences, seminars, and hackathons where Fragmentary Texts and topics concerning transtextual and intertextual relationships have been presented and will be presented. See also Slides.
- M. Berti et al. Doing Fragmentary History in a Global Context. International Projects to Preserve Ancient Greek Historians: Brill’s New Jacoby, FGrHist Continued, and I Frammenti degli Storici Greci, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, May 16-17, 2007 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Collecting Fragmentary Authors in a Digital Library”: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2009), Austin, TX, June 15-19, 2009 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Perseus 2009. Rappresentazione digitale dei testi frammentari” and “Le tecnologie digitali e l’epigrafia: esempi applicativi”: Antichità Classiche e Digital Humanities. Le discipline antichistiche nella rivoluzione digitale, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, October 20-26, 2009 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Fragmentary Texts & Digital Libraries”: Workshop on Historical Texts, Perseus Project, Tufts University, Medford, MA, January 13-14, 2010 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Fragmentary Texts and Digital Collections of Fragmentary Authors” (with M. Büchler): Digital Classicist Seminars 2010, Institute of Classical Studies, King’s College, London, July 30, 2010 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Bridging Ancient Cultures across Countries and Media”: Classics & Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series, The Center for the Humanities at Tufts, October 25, 2010
- M. Berti. “Representing Fragmentary Texts”: Exploring Formulaic Knowledge through Languages, Cultures and Time. International Workshop, University of Trier, February 11-12, 2011 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Fragmentary Texts”: SAWS (Sharing Ancient Wisdoms) Workshop 2011, University of Vienna – Department of Oriental Studies, February 16-17, 2011 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Citazioni e dinamiche testuali. L’intertestualità e la storiografia greca frammentaria”: Tradizione e Trasmissione degli Storici Greci Frammentari. Terzo Workshop Internazionale, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, February 24-26, 2011 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Fragmentary Texts: Collecting and Representing Quotations of Lost Authors and Works” (Informationsgespräch): Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg – Seminar für Klassische Philologie, April 4-5, 2011
- M. Berti. “Alexander the Great and Aristotle in the Libro de Alexandre”: 3ème Colloque International Aliento – Énoncés sapientiels et littérature exemplaire: une intertextualité complexe, Nancy (MSH Lorraine) – Paris (INALCO), 22-24 novembre 2011 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Digital Editing of Ancient Sources for the Golden Age of Athens”: Seminar – College of the Holy Cross, Classics Department – Fenwick Room 428, April 20, 2012 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Collecting Quotations by Topic: Degrees of Preservation and Transtextual Relations among Genres”: Round Table “Collecting Fragments in the 21st Century (Part I)”: Lectio – Leuven Centre for the Study of the Transmission of Texts and Ideas in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance – Laboratory for Critical Text Editing, May 14, 2012 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Istro alla scuola di Callimaco. La biblioteca di Alessandria e la tradizione attidografica”: Giornate di studio sulla storiografia greca frammentaria III edizione. Gli storici greci frammentari e le età della trasmissione: Alessandria, Roma, Bisanzio, Università degli Studi di Genova, May 29-30, 2012 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Assembling Bricks in the Toy Box: Quotations and Text Re-use Detection of Lost Works”:eTraces Talks, Universität Leipzig – Raum 0-18, Johannisgasse 26, June 26, 2012
- M. Berti. “Detecting and Marking up Quotations and Text Re-uses of Historical Texts”: Computerunterstütztes Arbeiten mit historischen Texten, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, June 27, 2012
- M. Berti, G. Crane, and A. Lüdeling. Working with Text in a Digital Age. An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities. Perseus Project, Tufts University, July 23 – August 10, 2012
- M. Berti, M. Büchler, G. Crane, B. Almas. The Banquet of the Digital Scholars. Humanities Hackathon on editing Athenaeus and on the Reinvention of the Edition in a Digital Space. Universität Leipzig (ULEI) & Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Berlin, October 10-12, 2012
- M. Berti and U. Pietruschka. “The Laments of the Philosophers at the Tomb of Alexander: an Example of Text Re-Use in Oriental Languages”: 4ème Colloque International Aliento. Énoncés sapientiels brefs, traductions, traducteurs et contextes culturels et historiques du Xe siècle au XVe siècle: les textes transmis à l’Occident, (MSH Lorraine) – Paris (INALCO), 6-8 novembre 2012 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Ateneo fruitore di Istro: echi di critica storiografica e cultura bibliotecarica”: Ritorno ad Alessandria. Storiografia antica e cultura bibliotecaria: tracce di una relazione perduta. Incontro Internazionale di Studi, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, November 28-29, 2012 (☞)
- M. Berti. “The Significance of Fragmentary Texts in Plutarch’s Life of Pericles“: Seminar – College of the Holy Cross, Classics Department – Fenwick 420 (CLAS 338-01), March 12, 2013 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Fragmenta Historica 2.0: Quotations and Text Re-uses in the Semantic Web”: Word, Space, Time. Digital Perspectives on the Classical World. An interdisciplinary conference organized by the Digital Classics Association, University at Buffalo, SUNY, April 5-6, 2013 (video of the conference)
- M. Berti. “Ontologia e rappresentazione tassonomica della ricerca: il caso dei riusi testuali”: Seminario – Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, May 21, 2013 (☞)
- M. Berti. “Annotating Quotations and Text Re-uses of Lost Works”: Workshop. SAWS Methodology and Fragmentary Texts, King’s College London, May 28, 2013
- M. Berti. “From Fragmentary Texts to Text Re-Uses”: The Open Philology Project Workshop, University of Leipzig, August 2, 2013
- B. Almas and M. Berti. “Perseids Collaborative Platform for Annotating Text Re-Uses of Fragmentary Authors”: DH-Case 2013. Collaborative Annotations in Shared Environments: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the Digital Humanities. Florence, September 10, 2013 (☞)
- B. Almas, M. Berti, S. Choudhury, D. Dubin, M. Senseney, K.M. Wickett, “Representing Humanities Research Data Using Complementary Provenance Models”, in Building Global Partnerships – RDA Second Plenary Meeting – Washington DC, September 16-18, 2013 (poster session)
- B. Almas and M. Berti. “The Linked Fragment: TEI and the Encoding of Text Re-uses of Lost Authors”: The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web. TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013, Università di Roma Sapienza, October 2-5, 2013 (☞)
- M. Berti, G. Celano, G.R. Crane, E. Franzini, G. Franzini, “L’Open Philology Project dell’Università di Lipsia. Per una filologia “sostenibile” in un mondo globale”, in AIUCD 2013. Secondo convegno annuale dell’AIUCD: Ricerca collaborativa e piattaforme condivise per l’informatica umanistica. Padova, December 11-12, 2013 (☞)
- N. Bernstein and M. Berti, “Approaches to Greek and Latin Text Reuse”, in Digital Classics Panel at the 2014 APA Annual Meeting – Chicago, January 3, 2014: Getting Started with Digital Classics, organized by the Digital Classics Association (Joint APA/AIA Panel) (☞)
- M. Berti and S. Stoyanova, “Presentation of LOFTS and practice with DFHG”, in Winter School in Digital Philology at the Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi (Georgia), January 14-18, 2014
- M. Berti, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)”, in 2. Workshop “Digital Humanities and Social Sciences”. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, January 30-31, 2014
- M. Berti and M. Büchler, “Big Data in the Humanities. The Open Philology Project”, in IBM Big Data Workshop. IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH – Böblingen, January 31, 2014
- M. Berti, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)”, in Intertextualité et humanités numériques: approches, méthodes, tendances – Intertextuality and digital humanities: approaches, methods, trends. Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres (Genève), February 14-15, 2014
- M. Berti, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)”, in Séminaire de Méthodologie de l’École Doctorale I (Mondes anciens et médiévaux) de l’Université Paris IV Sorbonne – Année Académique 2013-2014. Paris IV Sorbonne, March 4, 2014
- M. Berti, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)”, in Libraries and Open Greek and Latin. Videoconference at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC, May 2, 2014
- M. Berti, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)”, “Methodology for LOFTS fragments: the DFHG Project and the Digital Marmor Parium Project”, and “Methodology used in LOFTS: the Digital Athenaeus Project”, in International Workshop on Computer Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages, Bâtiment Blaise PASCAL, INSA, Campus de la Doua, Villeurbanne (France), June 2-4, 2014
- M. Berti, G. Franzini, and S. Stoyanova, “The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) and the Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG) Projects”, in Digital Classicist Seminar Series 2014, Senate House, London, June 27, 2014