Both the Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) and the Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG) Project will be presented on June 27 at the Digital Classicist 2014 Seminar Series:
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies seminars
Meetings are on Fridays at 16:30 in room G37*, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
(*except June 6, 13 in Holden Room 103; July 4 in Athlone Room 102; July 18 in G34 & 25 in G35)
All Welcome
Seminars will be followed by refreshments
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Program (for the abstracts see The Digital Classicist – Summer 2014 Programme)
June 6 Ségolène Tarte (Oxford), On Cognition and the Digital in the Study of Ancient Textual Artefacts 103 (Holden Room)
June 13 Victoria Moul & Charlotte Tupman (King’s College London), Neo-Latin poetry in English manuscripts, 1550-1700 103 (Holden Room)
June 20 Lorna Richardson (University College London), Public Archaeology in a Digital Age G37
June 27 Monica Berti, Greta Franzini & Simona Stoyanova (Leipzig), The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series and Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum Projects G37
July 4 Pietro Liuzzo (Heidelberg), The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE) and Linked Open Data 102 (Athlone Room)
July 11 Silke Vanbeselaere (Leuven), Retracing Theban Witness Networks in Demotic Contracts G37
July 18 Thibault Clérice (King’s College London), Clotho: Network Analysis and Distant Reading on Perseus Latin Corpus G34
July 25 Marja Vierros (Helsinki), Papyrology and Linguistic Annotation: How can we make TEI EpiDoc XML corpus and Treebanking work together? G35
August 1 Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford) & Gabriel Bodard (King’s College London), Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies: Data and Relations in Greco-Roman Names (SNAP:DRGN) G37
August 8 Dominic Oldman & Barry Norton (British Museum), A new approach to Digital Editions of Ancient Manuscripts using CIDOC-CRM, FRBRoo and RDFa G37
August 15 Various postgraduate speakers Short presentations G37
(Organised by Gabriel Bodard, Stuart Dunn, Simon Mahony and Charlotte Tupman.)