From Ancient Manuscripts to the Digital Era

Des manuscrits antiques à l’ère digitale. Lectures et littératies
Université de Lausanne, August 23-25, 2011

Full Program

Among the papers presented at this conference, we signal the following ones:

This international conference is proposed by Claire Clivaz (IRSB, FTSR), Jérôme Meizoz (FDi, Lettres) and François Vallotton (SHC, Lettres). It seeks to demonstrate the major impact of the Digital Era on knowledge, by studying the history of cultural technologies. The present evolution of the Ancient manuscript allows one to detect this turning-point, notably with the digital editions of Homer and the New Testament. The notions of authorship and critical edition are questionned : modern history and contemporary analysis have to be enrooted in ancient memory to reflect upon the digital turn.

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