28th May 2013
Council Room, King’s College London
This is the second in a series of workshops sponsored by the Sharing Ancient Wisdoms Project; it has been convened by Alexandra Trachsel, Marie Curie Fellow in the Centre for Hellenic Studies. The aim is to present the problems in the analysis and presentation of fragmentary texts, and to discuss the possible value of digital tools, based on the approach of the Sharing Ancient Wisdoms project. The format is for colleagues to present problems and for us all to discuss solutions!
Welcome Alexandra Trachsel (KCL)
10:15-10.30 The tools
Charlotte Roueché / Charlotte Tupman (KCL): SAWS: a brief description
10.30-11.40 The problems: I
Alan Sommerstein (Nottingham): Problems in the editing of tragic fragments
Gesine Manuwald (UCL): Latin dramatic fragments: challenges and possible solutions
Bas Clercx / Saskia Aerts (Leiden): Protagoras, sources and echoes
Break (11:40-12.10)
12.10-13.00 The problems: II
Monica Berti (Rome & Tufts University): Annotating quotations and text re-uses of lost works
Alexandra Trachsel (KCL): Fragmented Scholarship: editing quotations of Homeric scholars
13.00-14.10 Sandwich lunch
14.10-15.00 The problems: III
Claire Clivaz / Sara Schulthess (Lausanne): Fragments of the New Testament in the digital culture: epistemological considerations
Simona Stoyanova (KCL): Physical fragments: the case of inscriptions
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.00 Round-table:
Chaired by Charlotte Roueché / Alexandra Trachsel / Charlotte Tupman
1. What are we trying to do? What problems do we share, in analysis and in presentation?
2. Using SAWS? At the heart of the SAWS approach is an ontology, made up of statements about the relationships between two pieces of text: these can only be determined by experts in the field. What are the statements which participants would need to be able to make?
3. What next?