Archive for the tag 'Francesco Mambrini'

From Ancient Manuscripts to the Digital Era

Des manuscrits antiques à l’ère digitale. Lectures et littératies Université de Lausanne, August 23-25, 2011 Full Program Among the papers presented at this conference, we signal the following ones: Leonard Muellner et Mary Ebbott (Boston): Multitextual Reading and the Future of the Homer Multitext (August 24) Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Francesco Mambrini & J. Matthew Harrington (Tufts […]

New TEI XML digital editions by the Perseus Project

Plutarch, Athenaeus, Elegy and Iambus, the Greek Anthology, Lucian and the Scaife Digital Lbrary – 1.6 million words of Open Content Greek (on by Gregory Crane) The Perseus Digital Library is pleased to publish TEI XML digital editions for Plutarch, Athenaeus, the Greek Anthology, and for most of Lucian.

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