An EpiDoc – Son of SOL workshop will be held at the Center for Computing in the Humanities (King’s College, London) on March 8-13, 2010.
The aim of the workshop is to introduce participants to the use of EpiDoc Guidelines for encoding fragmentary texts preserved on stones and papyri.
For previous workshops and summer schools on the same topic, see the page in the Digital Classicist Wiki: EpiDoc Summer Schools.
For further information, see:
Hi Monica, will you be live-blogging and/or tweeting this event?
Training Session – Day 1 (March 11)
The session has been devoted to a general introduction to IDP (Integrating Digital Papyri) and to XML and TEI.
Gabby Bodard has showed how to use oXygen.
In the afternoon, participants have marked a few texts using the EpiDoc-Leiden cheat sheat in oXygen.
Training Session – Day 2 (March 12)
In the morning, Josh Sosin has introduced SoSOL presenting metadata and texts.
In the afternoon, participants have begun practicing and they have entered as much texts as possible in SoSOL using the Papyrological Editor.
Training Session – Day 3 (March 13)
In this last session, we have started with SoSOL translations: the participants have translated the O. Heid. texts entered in SoSOL on Day 2.
In the afternoon, participants have entered other texts in SoSOL.
After practicing, we have discussed future implications of EpiDoc and SoSOL community.