Archive for the tag 'eTRACES'

The tool GERTRUDE – world literature, intertextuality and crowdsourcing

29 January 2013, 6.15 pm Anatomy Museum Space, Strand Campus Annette Gessner, Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities Attendance is free and open to all, but registration is requested: All kinds of texts are linked by citations, paraphrases, allusions, winged words or other textual concordances (or “text re-use”). But to try and find out how many […]

eTRACES – Winged words, quotations and our cultural heritage

 Be it science or the everyday life – our language contains numerous trails of our cultural legacy in the form of winged words and quotations. Scientists now created new software tools for making this cultural legacy available in digital libraries. With the help of those programs the origin and dissemination of text passages, quotes and […]

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