Archive for January, 2012

Fragmentary: Writing in a Digital Age

Here is an interesting article by Guy Patrick Cunningham on modern digital writing, which is fragmentary in all its forms: Fragmentary: Writing in a Digital Age (The Millions, 01, 2012). Here is a quote from the article: “It’s not that fragmentary writing is the only acceptable form of writing today — I have no intention […]

EpiDoc and TEI-XML training workshop – Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

EpiDoc and TEI-XML training workshop Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Giuridiche, Economiche e Sociali dell’Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria – BILG Project June 4-7, 2012

Working with Text in a Digital Age – Request for Proposal

Tufts University invites applications to “Working with Text in a Digital Age“, a three-week NEH Institute for Advanced Technology in the Digital Humanities (July 23-August 10, 2012) that combines traditional topics such as TEI Markup with training in methods from Information Retrieval, Visualization, and Corpus and Computational Linguistics.

Citations for evaluating scholarly publications

We post an article by Piero Attanasio published in the last issue of the review Informatica Umanistica (5, 2011): Valutazione delle pubblicazioni ed effetti sul settore editoriale The paper deals with questions concerning the evaluation of Italian scholarly publications and addresses some interesting issues about citations as a criterium for evaluating editorial products.

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