Archive for the tag 'Institute of Classical Studies'

Monica Berti & Marco Büchler on Fragmentary Texts (Digital Classicist Seminar, London – July 30th, 2010)

Fragmentary Texts and Digital Collections of Fragmentary Authors Monica Berti (Torino) and Marco Büchler (Leipzig) Digital Classicist and Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2010 Friday July 30th at 16:30, in room STB9, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Digital Classicist 2010 Seminars

We post the programme of the Digital Classicist 2010 summer seminars, which will be held at the Institute of Classical Studies, London. One of the seminars (July 30) is on Fragmentary Texts and Digital Collections of Fragmentary Authors (Monica Berti & Marco Büchler) Meetings are on Fridays at 16:30 in room STB9 (Stewart House) Senate […]

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