SAWS Workshop 2011

SAWS (Sharing Ancient Wisdoms) Workshop
16-17 February, 2011 – University of Vienna – Department of Oriental Studies


London: Charlotte Roueché, Stuart Dunn and Mark Hedges, Charlotte Tupman

Uppsala: Denis Searby and Måns Billund

Vienna: Elvira Wakelnig, Ines Dallaji-Hichr, Lorenz Nigs


Aliento: Marie-Sol Ortola, Marie-Christine Varol

CASG (Corpus der arabischen und syrischen Gnomologien): Ute Pietruschka

D.A.R.E. Digital Averroes: Raphaela Veit

eAqua: Marco Büchler, Charlotte Schubert

Fragmentary Texts: Monica Berti

HiFoS (Historische Formelhafte Sprache und Traditionen des Formulierens): Natalia Filatkina

HyperHamlet: Regula Hohl-Trillini

Interedition: Tara Andrews (tbc)

TextGrid: Wolfgang Pempe


BiblIndex: Laurence Mellerin

Scriptorium: Raphael Lyne

DMM, The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript: Bart Besamusca


Wednesday 16 February

I. Meeting one another: a brief (5-10 minutes) factual introduction of each project

What are you working on
What is the (i) chronological and (ii) geographic scope of your material?

How do you work?
What existing use of digital resources (of any kind) do you currently make?
Describe the workflow you use when editing a text  with a list of tools,/software that you use


II. Shared Questions

The following questions may apply to many or all projects. Please think about what you would like to present under each heading.
As a by-product, it could be useful to devote a small amount of time to discussing definitions/preferred terms for various aspects of the texts?  Are there any problematic definitions?  Please bring a list of your local terminology, and we will do the same.

1  Identifying

What do you think your unit of research is? A citation? A proverb? Something else?
How do you identify it? And how do you mark it up?
How many different kinds of units of research are we dealing with?


2. Goals

(i) What textual, historic or social research questions do you approach?
(ii) Have you carried out any use-case research? What research questions are other scholars likely to use your work to pursue?

3. Searching

How do you find your units? How important are search mechanisms for you?

4. Publication

What form will your publication(s) take?
(1) Collections
(2) Complete texts
Printed editions are simple, and need not concern us:  Will you be contributing to one or more online libraries? Will this involve non-textual resources such as images or maps?

Thursday 17 February

5. Relationships

What kinds of relationship do you think about between your units? What definitions of relationship have you come up with? Are the relationships quantitative, qualitative, direct, inferred, explicit, implicit, semantic, textual, literal, linguistic? Are they internal to your text, or external, or both?
How do you describe these relationships? Can we compile a shared list of relationships?

6. What next?

What other questions do we need to engage with, in further workshops?
What tools do we need?

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