Archive for the tag 'OCR'

Possible Jobs in Digital Humanities at Leipzig

Possible Jobs in Digital Humanities at Leipzig The Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities and Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig is looking for candidates for two possible collaborating research groups, one focused on reinventing scholarly communication for Greek and Latin, as a case study for historical languages in general, with the other […]

Humanities in a Digital World

Humanities in a Digital World – Incontro introdotto dal Prof. Gregory R. Crane Università degli Studi di Pisa – Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC-CNR) Palazzo Boileau, Via Santa Maria 85, Pisa (Aula Magna) – 2 ottobre 2012 Il Prof. Gregory Crane, direttore del Progetto Perseus, presso la Tufts University di Boston, USA, esporrà la propria […]

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