Archive for the tag 'Matteo Romanello'

New TEI XML digital editions by the Perseus Project

Plutarch, Athenaeus, Elegy and Iambus, the Greek Anthology, Lucian and the Scaife Digital Lbrary – 1.6 million words of Open Content Greek (on by Gregory Crane) The Perseus Digital Library is pleased to publish TEI XML digital editions for Plutarch, Athenaeus, the Greek Anthology, and for most of Lucian.

Classics & Digital Humanities

Gregory Crane, editor in chief of the Perseus Digital Library, was invited as a Visiting Professor to the University of Rome Tor Vergata on October 20-27, 2009. On that occasion, he gave three seminars in Italian on the following topics: La storia di Perseus Digital Library e la nascita delle Digital Humanities negli Stati Uniti […]

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