Archive for March, 2010

The Digital Humanist

From Domenico Fiormonte: We are happy to announce the publication of our new book: L’umanista digitale, by Teresa Numerico, Domenico Fiormonte and Francesca Tomasi (Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010). This work follows the collective Informatica per le discipline umanistiche (ed. by Teresa Numerico and Arturo Vespignani, 2004), a small best-seller in our field, as it was […]

The Fragments of the Works of Xenophon

Here is the publication of the fragments of the works of Xenophon, edited in the series “Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini”: 8 – Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 1. Autori noti. I frammenti delle opere di Senofonte, a cura di Natascia Pellé, 2010, pp. 226, Fabrizio Serra […]

EpiDoc training at the 2010 DHO Summer School

From Gabriel Bodard: Last week twelve professional papyrologists were trained in the use of the new SoSOL tool(*) for tags-free markup of documentary texts [see EpiDoc – Son of SOL Training Session, King’s College London]. In the process, c.100 texts were painlessly added to the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.

EpiDoc – Son of SOL Workshop (King’s College London, March 8-13, 2010)

An EpiDoc – Son of SOL workshop will be held at the Center for Computing in the Humanities (King’s College, London) on March 8-13, 2010. The aim of the workshop is to introduce participants to the use of EpiDoc Guidelines for encoding fragmentary texts preserved on stones and papyri. For previous workshops and summer schools […]

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